
欧洲。J.G.D.Clark, Prehistoric Europe: The Economic Basis(New York and London, 1952); C. F. C. Hawkes, The Prehistoric Foundations of Europe to the Mycenean Age(London, 1940); V. Gorden Childe, The Dawn of European Civilization, 6th ed. (New York, 1958); John Boardman et al., eds., The European Community in Later Prehistory: Studies in Honor of C. F. C. Hawkes(Totowa. N. J., 1971); J. D. Evans, Malta(New York, 1959); J. D. S. Pendlebury, The Archeology of Ancient Crete(Penguin, 1962); Sinclair Hood, The Minoans: The Story of Bronze Age Crete(New York, 1971); A. R. Burn, Minoans, Philistines and Greeks, 1400~900 B.C. (London, 1930); Chester G. Starr, Origins of Greeks Civilization, 1100~650 B.C. (New York, 1961); M.I. Finley, The World of Odysseus(New York, 1954); Eric R. Ddodds, The Greeks and the Irrational(Boston, 1957); Alfred E, Zimmern, The Greek Commonwealth, 5th ed. rev.(Oxford, 1931); M. I. Finley, Early Greece: The Bronze and Archaic Ages(New York, 1970); M. Pallottino, Art of the Etruscans(London and New York, 1955); Raymond Block, Origins of Rome(New York, 1960); T. G. Powell, The Celts(New York, 1958); B. H. Warmington, Carthage(London, 1960); 和Marija Gimbutas, The Slavs(New York, 1971)。

欧亚草原。V. Gordon Childe,The Arsyans: A Study of Indo-European Origins(New York, 1926); Tamara Talbot Rice, The Scythians(London, 1957); M. Rostovtzeff, Iranians and Greeks in South Russia(Oxford, 1922);George Vernadsky, Ancient Russia(New Haven, 1943); William M. McGovern, The Early Empires of Central Asia(Chapel Hill, N. C., 1939); Charles Burney and David M. Lang, The Peoples of the Hills, Ancient Ararat and Caucasus(New York, 1972); 和V. M. Masson and V. I. Sarianidi, Central Asia: Turkemenia before the Achaemenids(New York, 1972)。

印度。Stuart W. Piggott, Prehistoric India to1000 B.C. (Penguin, 1950); R. E. M. Wheeler, Early India and Pakistan, to Ashoka, rev. ed. (London, 1968); R. E. M. Wheeler, The Indus Civilization,The Cambridge History of India, supp.vol. (Cambridge, 1953); The Indus Civilization(Cambridge, 1968); R. C. Majumdar and A. D. Pusalker, eds., History and Culture of the Indian People, I: The Vedic Age(London,1951); Bridget and Raymond Allchin, The Birth of Indian Civilization: India and Pakistan before500 B.C.(Penguin,1968); 和J. H. Hutton, Caste in India: Its Nature Functions and Origins(Cambridge, 1946)。

中国。Ping-ti Ho, Cradle of the East(Chicago, 1975); Herrlee G. Creel, The Birth of China(London, 1936; reissued 1951); Li Chi, The Beginnings of Chinese Civilization(Seattle, 1957); Cheng Te-K’un, Archeology in China, I: Prehistoric China(Cambridge, 1959), Cheng Te-K’un, Archeology in China, II:Shang China(Cambridge, 1960); Cheng Te-K’un, Archeology in China, III: Chou China(Cambridge, 1964); Chang Kwang-chih, Early Chinese Civilization: Anthropological Perspectives(Cambridge, Mass., 1976); William Watson, China: Before the Han Dynasty(New York, 1961); Herrlee Creel, The Origins of Statecraft in China, I: The Western Chou Empire(Chicago, 1970); L.C. Goodrich, A Short History of Chinese People, 3rd ed. (New York, 1959);和三部引起争议但也引人入胜的著作,Herrlee G. Greel, Confucius, the Man and the Myth(New York, 1949);新书名Confucius and the Chinese Way(New York, 1960); Joseph Needham,Science and Civilization in China, multivolumed (Cambridge, 1954~ );和G. F. Hudson, Europe and China(London, 1931)。

世界其他地区。公元前500年前,世界其他地区大多数几乎没有进入历史记录。但是,关于非洲史前史的三部著作在这里值得提及:Sonia Cole, The Prehistory of East Africa(New York, 1954); J. Desmond Clark, The Prehistory of Southern Africa(Penguin, 1959); 和George Peter Murdock, Africa: Its peoples and Their Cultural History(New York, 1959)。关于新大陆和东南亚,相关著作似乎最好附录在本书第二部分的进一步阅读书目中。